Rodney Robinson
2019 National Teacher of the Year
“There’s no secret to teaching a difficult child, you just have to keep loving them, no matter what they do."
We can all remember that one special teacher. The teacher that pushed us and inspired us to do better. Hailstorm was fortunate to work with the great people at Reingold and Therapy Studios on the 2020 US Census, “Real Stories” campaign. While over 30 films were made, this one especially warmed my heart. What a smile!
We need more teachers like Rodney and all teachers need more support and better resources to inspire today’s children to do great things. Census information can help get resources to where they are needed the most. Your voice counts in shaping the future and the next one won’t be until 2030 so... #2020Census #shapeyourfuturestarthere #everyonecounts #hailstormio #modernBA